Marco Missinato
The Soul Voyage On Planet Earth
The Soul’s story when it chooses its next adventure as a Physical experience on planet Earth. Together the book and album bring forth nine chapters and nine musical soundscapes creating a complete “journey of the Soul” experience
All proceeds will be used for humanitarian purposes
"We Write Our own Story by fully unleashing our Creativity and our Imagination"
– Marco Missinato
CHAPTER ONE: A Deep Dive into Forgetfulness & Separation
“Journey of the Soul” is the story of the Soul choosing a physical Experience and beginning its journey to Planet Earth–the most complex and challenging playground for the Soul. This physical experience on Earth holds the harshness of polarity, duality, fragmentation, separation, diversity and the upside down reverted holographic realities of the inverted Matrix.
Graduating from such a deep experience of separation rewards the Soul with perhaps the highest level of self-mastery and it impacts not only the Soul’s personal evolution but also the expansion of all other expressions of Source to become more profound and vibrant within a state of Self, Love, and Oneness.
This book so well takes us through the journey of the soul as it graduates from a profound experience of separation into a higher level of its Source essence. This process not only provides for the soul’s enlightenment process but, at the same time, expands all other expressions of source on the playground of life to become more profound and vibrant within a state of self, love and oneness.
Franco DeNicola – Advance Consciousness teacher

Marco Missinato is an artist, a music composer, a photographer and a messenger of Peace and Love. His vibrant creativity is intended to be a pure offering in support of Humanity and Mother Earth at this delicate and most important transitioning time.
As his creative process deepens and as he walks his path, he shares his unique music, photography and his constantly expanding points of views and personal findings with all those individuals who find resonance with his artistic labor and whom are seeking improvement in their Lives. This book and its complementary music album express the summarization of his amazing experience on Earth so far.
Wenda Blake’s journey has been one of ease, grace, and maintaining an aura of Light and Love wherever she goes. She has given the world her gifts of love, prayer, writing, and healing arts. Now she combines them all to focus on helping others cross the rainbow bridge into manifesting their own world of Love, Grace, Compassion and Oneness. Wenda carries a GREAT LOVE for Earth and came to assist in this planet’s grand transformation.

9 Deep Journeys into Our Emotions
Melodies and Soundscapes
Mastered in 432 Hz

Immerse yourself into the melodies and soundscapes of an intense musical “Journey of the Soul,”
and surrender to the deep emotional sojourn that might just reconnect your Soul with Earth and Life itself.
These nine musical tracks were recorded live in The Netherlands and Los Angeles and have been mastered at 432 HZ
for a more heart-opening pure sound experience. Each track inspired the Composer to narrate corresponding chapters
in his book, Journey of the Soul. Allow this musical creation and accompanying book to take you on a guided tour
of one of the most complex and challenging playgrounds for the Soul—A journey to Planet Earth.
Marco Missinato: Piano & Keyboards
Isabelle Dosne: Flute, Harp, Contrabass
Mami Van Mulken-Kamezaki: Soprano Vocals, Violin
Siemee Daiko: Symphonic Percussions
Masa Kohama: Lead Guitar on Shine, The Abandonment & The Dolphin Song
Will Maassen: Lead Guitar on Soave
Peter Van Mulken-Kamezaki: Electric Bass
Giuseppe Patane: Electric and Fretless Bass (Dolphin Song & The Abandonment)
Edoardo Tancredi: Drums (Dolphin Song & The Abandonment)
Alex Alessandroni: Piano (Dolphin Song & The Abandonment)
Dario Comuzzi: Guitar on Dolphin Song & The Abandonment
Emanuele Arnone: Additional Studio Strings, Ambient Sounds & Effects
Recorded at Audioworx, in The Netherlands on 2019
Sound Engineers: Paul van de Geijn & Tibor Laho
Dolphin Song & The Abandonment recorded in Los Angeles on 2020
Mixed and Mastered by Emanuele Arnone & Dino Hermann
Music Written by Marco Missinato
Produced by Marco Missinato
Erwin Gielen, Emiel Scholsberg, Remo Van Osch, Martine Nijenhuis, Estee Makampo, MIlou Kik, Sam Boudewijns, Bego Begovic, Jordi Martin, Ratna Dewi, Kim Jessen, Joan Andao, Evi Maes, Petra Roelofs, Kim Verhoef, Amrita Magdala, Pleun van Dieren, Michael Telapary, Roger Spees, Mark Vergoossen, Matthias Arentsen, Mieke Opdam and many more…
JOURNEY OF THE SOUL: how it came to be
The creation of Journey of the Soul began about three years ago when my imagination drew me again into a new creative self-discovery process. Emotions started to crystalize and my imagination brought forth the visions, sounds and music. I was drawn into a sequence of actions leading me to various locations on the planet and a pulsing within my Being told me something new was about to be birthed into the third dimensional world.
I had no specific formula to follow or specific ideas to build towards. It never begins this way for me. Only a joyful desire to explore more of what resides within comes forth and wants to be felt and expressed through something beautifully tangible in form. A fresh new body of work stirs within and is meant to deliver messages first for me to receive in support of my personal awakening process, but then it is also for whoever feels the resonance within for the frequencies of this new creation.
I knew to just imagine and feel the stirring inside was not enough. The creative process always requires a full commitment, the willingness to give fully ourselves to it, heart, body and soul. It was about being courageous enough to get out of my own way to fully nurture the seed that wanted to become the most elegant flower. I had to ready myself to fully dedicate my time, effort and resources to it.
I had to take action. I had to once again dare into the mysteries of the creative process fully acknowledging and pushing myself into unknown territories, always outside my comfort zone. This is the daring approach into something new, something that we have never done before and is indeed, the process of evolution for both self and the human collective. And so I began. I started to move energy with an inner joyful and exited knowingness that was once again stirring inside and began guiding me through the creative process.
This journey soon took me to the beautiful country of The Netherlands where I met a group of talented, warm-hearted musicians. As I began to share my developing project with them, I felt the warm resonance and joyful response signaling me that it was the correct action to gather together and begin shaping the melodies into a new upcoming album.
The imaginative process for this new creation led me to select material that was already written and created. The search was then focused around how the melodies were to be stretched, interpreted, expressed, and executed. But a new question arose . . . How can I go deeper into the expression of these melodies in order to create a profound journey into our emotions, bringing them to the surface so they are able to be processed and released?
I felt guided to carry the melodies into moments of free expression which I called “Soundscapes” where the musicians’ improvisation was set free for an undetermined amount of time. Every track of music then became a journey made of structured melodies merged into soundscapes, returning again to the melodies at the music track’s end.
Many months were spent in The Netherland and musicians would come and go, situations would contract and expand. The birth of the structure of this musical creation was requiring perseverance, patience, strength and an unshakable knowing that this is what I had to do no matter how the world of form and the outside collective would respond. After several months I felt my journey in The Netherlands was coming to an end. At that point only a small number of musicians were left to participate in the recording process.
After the recording, the foundation of the work was completed but there was still a lot of work to do. I left The Netherlands, first went back to Italy and then flew to Los Angeles where I connected with old friends and professional musicians. It was here that I started to add layers and layers of sounds in order to go deeper into the musical arrangements. Finally the work was mature enough for the delicate and very important process of mixing and mastering.
I feel it is part of my responsibility as an artist and musician to bring to life and share the purest and most organic music and sound. It was always my intent to create my music at 432 Hz producing an overall sound vibration that is in tune with Nature, Earth, the Universe and the organic sound of human consciousness. It is a frequency that engages the listener and musician at a level far beyond the left brain hemisphere (which is mostly engaged when we listen to music produced at 440 Hz–the frequencies used by the entertainment industry today). In The Netherlands I was not able to engage the musicians into tuning their instruments to 432 Hz for a number of reasons. Many did not feel comfortable tuning their instruments in that frequency and some acoustic instruments were not working well when tuned to 432 Hz. I decided to first record the album at 440 Hz and then later convert all tracks to 432 Hz during the mastering phase.
During the music production in The Netherlands, I could feel a pattern and thread of connection amongst the musical tracks; they were intercommunicating. As I explored the music tracks at a deeper level and considered the track titles, I saw and felt a certain narrative that wanted to be expressed . . . a story of deep connection to my own life. I started to write down short notes, ideas and thoughts expanding on them little by little. After meditating upon my words, I then realized it was indeed my story. It was the story of my soul during that short brief time period when my soul chose to embark on its physical journey.
After the album mixing process was completed in Los Angeles I was invited to visit a friend and her family in Utah. It turned out to be an excellent situation for having the time to go deeper into fine tuning the written story. When I felt completed with this creative process I had nine music tracks and nine corresponding chapters of a book.
Much like when you have a beautiful song you want to hire a good singer to perform it. In the same way, once the story was in form I wanted to find a very good writer to write it in the most impactful way. I felt guided to connect with a dear friend of mine, Wenda Blake, with whom I already had collaborated in the past on other projects. Knowing how much she loves to write, I proposed to her that she write my story. Her enthusiastic response led me to Colorado and we spent several days together co-creating the story narrative to be written. In the following weeks while she was writing the nine chapters of the book, I felt an inner guidance to support the story with a tutorial-type guide, called “The Process,” intending to help the reader understand and personally relate to the story’s journey through feelings, life decisions and challenges.
At the same time Wenda finished the final version of the written book, “The Process” was completed as well. It was time to produce the final body of work comprised of an album of original music and a story that was inspired by the music itself. It was a natural outcome to next produce an audio book blending each track of music with the reading of each associated written chapter of the book. I felt it was important for the narration of the audio to be produced by the voice of the writer. Wenda’s inspired words were then spoken and conceived through her voice while listening to the associated music track. Each audio book chapter was created in the most organically aligned manner delivering all of the emotions and impact captured within the blending of the music and written story.
The past few months have been spent packaging the full body of work, creating the graphics for both the album and the book. For the cover I decided to use a picture I took a few years ago from the balcony of my apartment in Rome of a flying seagull. At first I felt this photo might too similar to other already-published works such as the famous book by Richard Bach “Jonathan Livingston the Seagull.” But I was determined to let go of such concerns and felt that the image was the perfect match for my product.
After finishing the layout of the book and album cover graphic, I began creating a couple video productions as an introduction to both the album and the book. Finally I worked on designing and implementing the website landing page for this body of work in order to be presented in the most efficient and impactful way. That took another 2-3 months of work.
JOURNEY OF THE SOUL is now ready to be released and sits free in the “cyber world” for whoever feels a positive resonance to access it.
It has been a fascinating voyage and the flow of action necessary for its creation further expanded my inner sense of self. It deepened and fine-tuned the connection with what I am here to do in this brief journey on planet Earth. I enjoyed each moment of this three-year journey and have great appreciation for each of the many individuals that crossed my path. Each of them contributed to the process adding their own uniqueness to each piece of the masterpiece that was gradually forming in front of my eyes.
Now it is with great joy and great appreciation that I release these creative works and share them with the world. The dedication, effort, time, energy, courage and commitment that have been necessary for its crystallization has been preciously rewarded as tremendous inner power and self-awareness was gained.
The next step from here is to create a live experience of this work in the form of concerts and workshops. This will transpire soon following the worldly adjustments taking place right now–most likely towards the second half of 2021.
For all whom this work resonates, I thank you and wish for you to find it beneficial as much as I did while creating it.
With deep appreciation to all of you,
Marco Missinato
“I believe that you are magic,
that you are an extraordinary being.
I believe that within yourself there is
a great force and that you came
here on Earth to utilize that force
to further expand yourself
and, as a reflection of doing that,
to make a difference in the world,
to support Mother Earth,
to support Humanity
and to dance fully with Life.
My fellow human being, I believe in you,
and I love you” – Marco Missinato

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